Our Daily Schedule

Our Daily Schedule
Please note that the schedule is subject to change.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday, February 10th

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

It’s countdown season:

A reminder about re-registration…

Dear SJA Families, 

Just a reminder that the SJA re-registration process is underway. To reserve your child’s 2020-2021 place at St. Jude’s Academy, complete and return your child’s re-registration forms and payment to Reception by Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 4:00 pm.

After this date and time, any available grade-level spaces will be open to new families on waitlists.

In addition, the deadline for our  priority enrolment into our JK Program is Friday, January 17, 2020, a letter is attached with more information.

If you have any questions regarding the forms or next steps, please contact our Admissions Team.

And a note about March Break camp…

A few quick reminders:
·      Tomorrow is Day 2.
·      Aftercare invoices for the month of January have come out and are due Saturday, February 15th, 2020. Any questions can be directed to Ms. Chiappetta at echiappetta@stjudesacademy.com
·      Lunch invoices for the month of February were due Thursday, February 6th. Any questions can be directed to Ms. Gandy at sgandy@stjudesacademy.com
·      Re-registration packages are due back by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18th. After this, registration will open to the public.

We had such a fun day today in Grade 6 with our Grade 5s!

We started the day by talking about Grade 6 as a whole and the expectations that come with Grade 6. We discussed:
·      Key differences between grades 5 & 6, such as more difficult concepts and more homework,
·      Strengths that will help in Grade 6, such as time management and determination,
·      Weaknesses that can be worked on, such as reading and mental math,
·      Hopes for what will be learned, such as building electric cars, and
·      Why Grade 6 is so important (because of exhibition and it prepares us for the Middle Years Programme.

French – After this, the students had French with Mme. Stella, which you can read about on her blog (https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com).

Inquiry into Language & Art – We did a very fun activity to practice both language and art. Students were asked to draw a monster using markers and pencil crayons. They could draw any monster they wanted. They just needed to make sure it was kept secret.

After this, they were asked to write a very detailed descriptive paragraph about their monster. The idea is that if someone should be able to get a very good idea of what the monster looks like from the paragraph. Everyone handed in their paragraphs and then they were exchanged anonymously. Based on the paragraph they received, students had to draw the monster based on the description they received.

After this, we displayed the work for everyone to see with the descriptive paragraphs and discussed what made the paragraphs good and where they could be improved.

Inquiry into Energy – We started by discussing what the essential components of a circuit are. We did a safety warning about creating a short circuit, which is a circuit where the energy is travelling from a power source directly back into the power source with no loss of energy anywhere.

After this, each group was given a battery, light bulb, and wires and was tasked with turning on a light bulb. 

After this, students had to draw their circuit and then try to build a more complex one where there is only one path for electricity to travel and then another where there are two paths.

Inquiry into Math – During math, students were given a problem to solve. They had to build and sketch a decagonal prism. 

We then answered questions regarding the shape. Students could work in any way they would like to solve the problem.

After recess, we played a game to encourage cooperation in Grade 6 and reflected on what we enjoyed best about our day.

Music – Then, the students had music with Mr. Oliver, which you can read about on his blog (https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com).

After this, our day was done!

Homework (for my Grade 6 class for tomorrow):

We do our best to complete work in class. In the event this is not possible, it will go home for homework.

As always, please feel free to email me with any questions.

Mr. Conte