Our Daily Schedule

Our Daily Schedule
Please note that the schedule is subject to change.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Thursday, April 4th

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far. We continued our busy week with our spelling bee this morning. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at student-led conferences tonight.

A couple of quick reminders:
·      Tomorrow is a Day 5 – tomorrow is casual day!
·      Aftercare invoices are due on April 15th; if you are unsure if you have any owing amount, please email Ms. Chiappetta at echiappetta@stjudesacademy.com
·      Re-registration is now open to the public; if you have not submitted your package – please do so as soon as possible and reach out with any questions.

We started the day with our in-class spelling bee for grade five. Congratulations to all of the students who are moving forward to the in-school spelling bee, which will be taking place Tuesday.

We worked on our student-led conference packages today!

Inquiry into Language - Today, we continued our second week of literature circles. Some students worked on reading chapters 5 & 6, while others worked on their role for the week.
1.    Summariser – Summarise the three chapters for the week.
2.    Connector – Connect what is happening in the text to your own life, current world events, and other books, movies, or television shows.
3.    Literary Critic – Choose a short passage from the book and analyse why it is important to the story.
4.    Discussion Moderator – Come up with questions to fuel a group discussion.
5.    Word Wizard – Define and explain new or interesting words.

Inquiry into Math – Today, we completed the fractions unit by learning about rates. We use rates as a way to compare two quantities that are measured in different units. For example, if you can travel 60 kilometres in 1 hour, then you are travelling at 60 kilometres per hour or 60 km/h.

There are two main ways to represent rates. Graphs…

and charts.

A few examples of rates: 
·      If you make $8/hour and you work for 6 hours, that is $48. ($8/hour x 6 hours)
·      If you travel 280 km in 4 hours, then your rate is 70 km/hour. (280 km/4 hours)
·      If you are travelling at 45 km/hour and you travel 135 km, then it takes you 3 hours. (135 km/45 km/hour)

At the end of the day, we worked on art. We developed petals to add to the Oakwood board for autism awareness month.

For homework:
·      Study for spelling test (tomorrow)
·      MMS Pg. 126-131 (due Monday)
·      Literature circles week 2 (due tomorrow)
All homework for the day is placed here, but time may have been given in class to complete this work.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns by email, and I will respond as quickly as possible.

Mr. Conte