Our Daily Schedule

Our Daily Schedule
Please note that the schedule is subject to change.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thursday, April 25th

I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely weather. 

Don’t forget about the wine & cheese social on Friday. Yesterday was the RSVP date. For those attending, this is a parents event, so students will not be attending.

And a quick note regarding the exhibition projects in grade six…

A couple of quick reminders:
·      Tomorrow is a Day 6. Please see my email regarding our schedule changes. We are not having gym in the morning tomorrow, so students will be expected to come in their full summer uniform.
·      Aftercare invoices were due Monday, April 15th; if you are unsure if you have any owing amount, please email Ms. Chiappetta at echiappetta@stjudesacademy.com
·      Re-registration is now open to the public; if you have not submitted your package – please do so as soon as possible and reach out with any questions.
·      Forms were sent home regarding our upcoming Wizard of Ozproduction. It will cost $15 per student (not in a main role) for costumes. These forms are overdue.
·      Last week was the final week of our winter uniforms – this week we start our summer uniforms. A reminder:
o  Black dress shoes
o  Navy blue socks
o  Grey St. Jude’s pants
o  Short sleeve button up white polo shirt (tucked in)

This morning, we started off the day practicing our performance for The Wizard of Oz. Every day it’s getting better and better!

Inquiry into Biodiversity – We spent the remainder of the morning working on our summative podcast for tomorrow. They are due tomorrow. Students should have completed their good copies by now and should be at their final recording stage. A reminder that this project should be completed all by students.

French – In the afternoon, we had French with Mme. Rawan, which you can read about on her blog (https://mmerawansja.blogspot.com).

Inquiry into Math – Today, we reviewed important concepts for transformational geometry. We reviewed how to correctly complete reflections on a diagonal line, and how to complete rotations correctly.

When reflecting on a diagonal line, it helps visualize if you physically turn your paper, and see the line as either vertical or horizontal. Then, you just need to count how far away the points are from the line, and make  sure they are the same distance on the opposite side. Always remember to label the points!

For rotations, you should always start by identifying the turn point (point of rotation). Once you’ve done this, you can draw an imaginary line on that point, and actually see the rotation and visualize it better.

We are going to be looking at rotations again tomorrow to help us really solidify the understanding.

At the end of the day, one of our grade six exhibition groups did a presentation for us about climate change. It was very engaging and informative – fantastic job grade sixes!

For homework:
·      MMS Pg. 96-97 (due tomorrow)
·      Biodiversity summative (due tomorrow)
·      Literature circles week 5 (due Monday)
·      Study for spelling test tomorrow
·      Practice for Wizard of Oz
All homework for the day is placed here, but time may have been given in class to complete this work.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns by email, and I will respond as quickly as possible.

Mr. Conte