Our Daily Schedule

Our Daily Schedule
Please note that the schedule is subject to change.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday, March 27th

We had an amazing trip to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario!

A couple of quick reminders:
·      Tomorrow is a Day 5 - it is also casual day.
·      Permission forms for the rock climbing trip at the end of April are due this Friday, March 29th.
·      Aftercare invoices were due on March 15th; if you are unsure if you have any owing amount, please email Ms. Chiappetta at echiappetta@stjudesacademy.com
·      Re-registration is now open to the public; if you have not submitted your package – please do so as soon as possible and reach out with any questions.
·      Spring Fundraiser forms were sent home Monday – all money is due back by this Thursday, March 28th.
·      Pick-a-time forms were sent home yesterday for the upcoming student-led conferences on Thursday, April 4th. The website opens tomorrow Thursday, March 28that 10:00 a.m.

We got to take a trip to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (Provincial Parliament) today. It was an amazing experience. We got to reaffirm some knowledge from before the break, and we had a chance to learn new things and participate in some fun activities. Take a look!

For homework:
·      MMS Pg. 116-117 (due tomorrow)
·      Biodiversity title page (due tomorrow)
·      Literature circles week 1 (due Friday)
·      Spelling lesson 24 (due Friday)
·      Practice for spelling bee
·      Rock climbing forms due Friday
·      Pick-a-time forms sent home
·      Spring Fundraiser money due Thursday
All homework for the day is placed here, but time may have been given in class to complete this work.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns by email, and I will respond as quickly as possible.

Mr. Conte