Our Daily Schedule

Our Daily Schedule
Please note that the schedule is subject to change.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday, March 29th

And just like that, the first week of term three is over! I cannot believe how this year is flying by.

A couple of quick reminders:
·      Monday is a Day 1 – it is 80s/neon day for those participating.
·      Tuesday is Autism Awareness Day, so students can wear a blue shirt and pay $2 to support a great cause.
·      Aftercare invoices were due on March 15th; if you are unsure if you have any owing amount, please email Ms. Chiappetta at echiappetta@stjudesacademy.com
·      Re-registration is now open to the public; if you have not submitted your package – please do so as soon as possible and reach out with any questions.
·      Spring Fundraiser forms were sent home yesterday – all money is due back by this Tuesday, April 2nd. The deadline has been extended.
·      Pick-a-time forms were sent home this week for the upcoming student-led conferences on Thursday, April 4th. The website opened yesterday morning at 10:00 a.m.

Gym – The students started the day doing gym with Mr. Orr, which you can read about on his blog (http://tysonorr.blogspot.com).

Music – Then, we had music with Mr. Oliver, which you can read about on his blog (https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com).

French – In the afternoon, we had French with Mme. Rawan, which you can read about on her blog (https://mmerawansja.blogspot.com).

Inquiry into Math – Today, we started talking about exploring percentages. When you have a fraction and you want to make it a percent, you need to write an equivalent fraction out of 100. Then, the numerator is your percentage. This can also be written as a decimal. Just remember to add the right amount of 0s!

For example, 1/5 can be written as 20/100. This is 20% or 0.20. 1/20 can be written as 5/100, which is 5% or 0.05.

Inquiry into Language – Today, we completed our first set of literature circles for Hatchet. That’s week one over.
1.    Summariser – Summarise the three chapters for the week.
2.    Connector – Connect what is happening in the text to your own life, current world events, and other books, movies, or television shows.
3.    Literary Critic – Choose a short passage from the book and analyse why it is important to the story.
4.    Discussion Moderator – Come up with questions to fuel a group discussion.
5.    Word Wizard – Define and explain new or interesting words.

For homework:
·      MMS Pg. 121 (due Monday)
·      French: passé compose (due Tuesday)
·      Read Hatchet chapters 4 – 6 (optional)
o  Students were given the option to read these over the weekend as these chapters will be the focus for next week.
·      Practice for spelling bee
·      Pick-a-time forms now open
·      Spring Fundraiser money due Tuesday
All homework for the day is placed here, but time may have been given in class to complete this work.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns by email, and I will respond as quickly as possible.

Mr. Conte